Last Updated on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 by HEET Website Team

Personal Information:

Full Name: Erasto Benedict Mukama
Gender: Male
Contact Information: Phone: +32 467834910/ +255 712 373 488


Address: Avenue Emile de beco 44, Brussels


Eng. Erasto Benedict Mukama is a registered Professional Engineer by the Engineers Registration Board of Tanzania (ERB) with a wide solid experience in design, construction, and management of construction projects. He holds MSc. in Water Resources Engineering and BSc. in Civil Engineering from the esteemed University of Dar es Salaam.

He is also an expert in hydrological modeling and climate change. He is currently working as an Assistant Lecturer at the School of Engineering and Technology of the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) where he is dedicated to teaching courses related to structural analysis, design, and construction project management.

His passion lies in advancing knowledge in structural modeling, climate change, hydrological modeling, and drought management with a firm belief that engineering can drive positive change. He actively contributes to research, publishing peer-reviewed articles, and aims to leave a sustainable legacy for the future. His research interests include structural modeling and design, climate change, hydrological modeling, and remote sensing and GIS applications in hydrology.

Academic Background:

2022 to Date Ph.D. candidate at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering (HYDR), Brussels region, Belgium
2016 – 2018 MSc in Water Resources Engineering, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
2012 – 2016 BSc in Civil Engineering, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Skills/ Expertise Hydrological Modeling, Programming in R, Programming in Python, Structural Modeling, and Design

HEET Project Scholarship

I am truly grateful to have been awarded the HEET Project Scholarship to pursue my Ph.D. studies during my academic journey at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). The scholarship is a testament to the HEET Project’s commitment to empowering and supporting academic professionals in pursuing their education and dreams.

The scholarship had a profound impact on my academic journey lifting a significant financial burden that would have otherwise hindered my pursuit of higher education. With the financial stress alleviated, I can now fully concentrate on my studies, engage in extracurricular activities and explore various learning opportunities. The scholarship not only enabled me to focus on my academics but has also opened doors to opportunities I never thought possible.

As a result of the financial relief, I can immerse myself in research projects, join academic clubs and engage in internships that are enriching my educational experience. Apart from being a project beneficiary and as an expert in building construction, I have also participated in several HEET Project activities such as the review of TORs for ESIA and TOR for the Provision of consultancy services for the Design and supervision of construction/ rehabilitation of SUA’s infrastructures.

Plans for the Future

My future career aspirations revolve around becoming a leading hydrologist and water resources engineer, contributing significantly to sustainable water management and conservation efforts. I aim to work in both the public and private sectors, where I can apply my expertise to design and implement effective water resources projects, safeguarding this vital resource for generations to come.

With the knowledge and skills I will acquire through my education in hydrology and water resources engineering, I envision myself being at the forefront of efforts to address water challenges in my community and society. Whether it be conducting hydrological assessments, designing sustainable water supply systems, or collaborating on watershed management projects, I am committed to using my expertise to contribute to the well-being and prosperity of the broader community.

Giving Credit and Expressing Gratitude

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the HEET Project in collaboration with the Government of Tanzania and the World Bank for their invaluable support in making this scholarship opportunity a reality. Your unwavering commitment to nurturing and empowering academic professionals exemplifies commendable dedication and its impact on my academic and professional growth has been truly profound.

I am deeply grateful to the visionary leadership of the HEET Project, with special recognition to Prof. Amandus P. Muhairwa, the Project Coordinator, whose guidance and mentorship have been instrumental in shaping my academic journey. I also extend my sincere thanks to Dr. Winfred B. Mbungu, the Deputy Coordinator, and Dr. Nyambilila A. Amuri, the HEET Capacity Building Component Leader for their belief in my potential and unwavering support throughout my academic pursuits. Their invaluable motivation, insightful advice, and encouraging words have been a constant source of inspiration.

Furthermore, I wish to acknowledge the exceptional efforts of the entire HEET project implementation team. Their tireless dedication and diligence have ensured the seamless execution of the project’s objectives and goals. I deeply appreciate their collaborative spirit, which has created an environment conducive to growth and learning.

Last but not least, I express my sincere gratitude to the management of SUA for granting me the invaluable opportunity of a study leave to pursue my studies abroad. This gesture of support has played a pivotal role in enabling me to explore new horizons and broaden my academic perspectives.

In conclusion, I am humbled and privileged to be a beneficiary of this scholarship and I am profoundly grateful to the HEET Project, the Government of Tanzania, and the World Bank for their unwavering support. I am confident that this transformative experience will not only enhance my personal growth but also contribute positively to the development of our nation and society at large.

Photo 1: At VUB main campus

Photo 2: Presenting my research work at the Boussinesq Lecture in KNAW, Amsterdam (October, 2023)

Photo 3: Presenting my research work at the 24th WaterNet/WARFSA/GWP-SA Symposium in Zanzibar (Oct, 2023)

Photo 4: Attending the International Conference on Climate Risk, Vulnerability and Resilience Building held at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris (April, 2023)

Photo 5: Attending the International SWAT 2023 Conference and Workshop held in Aarhus, Denmark (June, 2023)