Last Updated on Thursday, October 12, 2023 by HEET Website Team
Personal Information
Full Name: Grace Arbogast Mashele
Gender: Female
Phone Number:+255745172861 (WhatsApp)/ +27619361820,
Address: Department of Animal Science
Mike De vries Building, Cnr Merriman and Bonsman Streets, Stellenbosch Campus/ South Africa
Grace Arbogast Mashele, is a dedicated and passionate person driven by a deep curiosity for knowledge and a desire to contribute positively to society. Currently, Grace is pursuing her PhD study in Animal Science at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, majoring in meat processing and preservation under HEET Scholarship. Prior to her PhD study, she was trained at University of Bristol in the United Kingdom and Massey University in New Zealand and awarded Masters of Science in meat science and technology and Masters of Science in Animal Science majoring in Meat Science respectively. She was also trained at Sokoine University of Agriculture and awarded Bachelor of Science in Animal Science. After her undergraduate studies Grace worked for both private and government sectors aiming at utilizing her knowledge in Animal Science to contribute to livestock development. She began working at Sokoine University of Agriculture as Assistant lecturer in Meat Science in 2021 to fulfill her ambition of disseminating her acquired knowledge and experience to young generation. Grace is involved in teaching, outreach, consultancy and research in the field of Agriculture, particularly Animal production and Meat Science. She teaches principles of growth and development, beef cattle management and meat and meat products courses to undergraduate students. She has supervised over 50 undergraduate students in both basic and applied sciences fields. She is a chairperson of meat, poultry, eggs and their products technical committee (AFDC 22) of Tanzania bureau of standards (TBS) and a member of the Tanzania Society of Animal Production (TSAP). Beyond her academic realm Grace is interested in jogging, listening to gospel and relaxing music, watching football matches and socializing with friends.
Currently, Grace is in the process of formulating her research proposal focused on meat processing and preservation. Graces’ philosophy revolves around the notion that the pursuit of excellence should be coupled with commitment and a sense of responsibility to society. She is determined to publish her research findings on academic journals and disseminate it to livestock stakeholders via conferences presentations. With each step on her research, she is guided by the belief that education is a transformative force, and she is excited to continue her voyage as a PhD candidate, driven by the passion to leave a lasting, positive impact on the world.
Academic Background
2023- to date: Studying PhD in Animal Science at Stellenbosch University, South Africa
2015- 2017: Masters of Science in Animal Production of Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
2013-2014: Masters of Science in Meat Science and Technology– University of
Bristol- United Kingdom.
2006 – 2009: Bachelor of Science in Animal Science- SUA-Morogoro.
2016: Awarded international student higher achiever certificate at Massey University.
Skills or areas of expertise include Meat Science, Animal Production and management.
HEET Project Scholarship
Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) Project for Tanzania is the World Bank project with the objective of strengthening the learning environment and labor market alignment of priority programs at beneficiary higher education institutions and improve the management of the higher education system. Through HEET Project capacity building component, I am thrilled to be one of the beneficiaries of this prestigious PhD Scholarship.The HEET Project Scholarship is impacting my academic journey though providing a vital financial support, enabling me to fully immerse myself in my academic pursuits without the burden of financial constraints. This support is playing a pivotal role in shaping my academic journey, allowing me to focus on ground breaking research and in-depth studies.
The impact of the HEET Project Scholarship extends well beyond its financial assistance. This scholarship has an immeasurable influence on both my personal and professional growth, significantly broadening the horizons of my international study and research endeavors. It serves as a catalyst propelling my personal and academic evolution, empowering me to attain new pinnacles in my education, particularly within the realm of research experiences. With the scholarship’s support, I am able to start developing my PhD research proposal on meat processing and preservation area that I might not have otherwise explored, contributing to my intellectual development and enhancing my critical thinking skills. I am immensely grateful for the scholarship’s support, which is not only shaping my academic path but is also empowering me to contribute meaningfully to the field of Meat science at Sokoine University of Agriculture and community at large.
Plans for Future
Upon completing my PhD studies, my aspirations are firmly rooted in a commitment to harness the knowledge and expertise I have gained to drive a meaningful change within my community and beyond. Being from Sokoine University academic team, my immediate goal is to engage in ground breaking research, teaching, consultancy and inspire the next generation of scholars in the field of Animal Science and Meat Science in particular. I envision myself as a dedicated educator, fostering an environment that encourages curiosity, critical thinking, and innovation. Through teaching and mentorship, I aim to instill a passion for lifelong learning in my students, empowering them to become catalysts for positive transformation. Simultaneously, I am eager to collaborate with meat industry and governmental organizations to bridge the gap between academic research and real-world applications. By forging partnerships that leverage my expertise on meat science, I intend to contribute to the development of innovative solutions that address complex societal issues. Recognizing the importance of community engagement, I plan to actively participate in outreach programs, particularly among underserved and marginalized groups. Through workshops, seminars, and mentorship programs, I hope to inspire young minds, to pursue careers in research and innovation.
Furthermore, my ambition extends to policy advocacy. Armed with a deep understanding of Animal Science field and its implications, I aspire to contribute to evidence-based policymaking that addresses societal challenges in the area of meat science, animal production and management. I am committed to lending my expertise to inform policies that drive positive change and sustainable development. In essence, my PhD education will serve as a powerful tool that empowers me to effect positive change at my teaching, conducting research, outreach and consultancy aspects. By aligning my career aspirations on meat science with a steadfast commitment to impact, I am confident that my journey beyond academia will be characterized by purposeful contributions and a lasting legacy of positive change.
Giving Credit and Expressing Gratitude
With deep appreciation, I hereby convey my heartfelt gratitude to the HEET Project, the Government of Tanzania led by Her Excellency Mama Samia Suluhu Hassan and the World Bank for the exceptional scholarship that has allowed me to begin my doctoral journey at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. Your unwavering backing and forward-looking investment in my education and prospects have left an enduring impact on my path. This scholarship goes beyond being a simple financial aid; it represents a beacon of hope, a testament to your faith in the transformative potential of education. Through extending this opportunity, you have not only eased my financial load but also empowered me to fully concentrate on my studies, research, and personal development.
The significance of this scholarship has no boundaries, embodying collaboration and shared ambitions. Your commitment to my education is developing my passion to upgrade my research experiences, to explore uncharted research territories and the enhancement of our global community. I am driven by a desire to use the knowledge and experience I am acquiring to impact young generation, policy makers and livestock stakeholders at large via research, teaching, consultancy and outreach programs. Your generous contribution stands as a constant reminder that aspirations can be achieved through diligence and persistence. I am profoundly humbled and greatly thankful for this vote of confidence in me, and for this significant gift that will continue to shape my academic carrier.